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Blue Tree Project


Updated: Sep 9, 2021

Yesterday we listened to Anne reading “The Heart” by Jo Witek. It gave us an opportunity to chat about our own feelings and how our body sometimes feels if we are sad, angry, happy or excited. We also talked about how we can tell how others are feeling by watching their body language or listening to their words.

This leads us to the question of how do we react if we know someone is feeling sad or upset. In our current times there are a lot of our family and friends that are experiencing changing circumstances that is contributing to their wellbeing. Therefore we have decided to adopt the “Blue Tree Project “ at Long Jetty Pre-School for our community. You can find information about the “Blue Tree Project” at Basically the blue tree project is to help spark difficult conversations and encourage people to speak up when battling mental health concerns.

So at Pre-School we have made up some bags of supplies to make your own “mini” Blue Tree. You can choose who you think may need to have your weaved blue branch, share it with someone to brighten their day. You may like to leave it in a park, letterbox or on your walk for someone to randomly pick up or alternatively when you have finished you may like to drop it back to Pre-School and we can drop some off to the residents of the Aged Care facility.

This project is not only positive for others but research shows that being kind to others can actually make us genuinely happy in a number of different ways. The feel-good emotion from helping has been termed “warm glow” and there is actual brain activity in the striatum that is the likely biological basis of that feeling.

Come down today to pick up your Blue Tree Kit, they will be outside, ready for your contactless pick up, look for the Blue Tree


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We recognise that we are part of the world community as well as our local community.

And is our role to support children to become environmentally responsible and contribute to a sustainable future.
We strongly believe in the principles of Respect and Responsibility as representing the foundation of our early childhood practices.


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