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Pen friends with local Aged Care Facility


Updated: Sep 9, 2021

At Long Jetty Pre-School, the Educators have been thinking of all our community members that are going through challenging times. We have been collaborating to think of some small acts of kindness to lighten the load in these difficult times.

At the end of last term the children were so interested in writing, we began with writing our names, then writing letters to our parents and moved onto copying the words of our favourite healthy foods. The interest was keen and so strong. So we have decided to continue this interest to further develop our literacy and drawing/painting skills but at the same time making this a purposeful experience that will impact others.

Therefore we have reached out to a local aged care facility to see if the residents would be interested in becoming pen pals with us. They were beyond excited and were so grateful that we were interested in doing something like this.

What to do?

Listen to the story below 'Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge' by MemFox

· After listening to the story, talk about aged care facilities and how COVID-19 has impacted our families and other community groups. What and who have we missed and what have we gained?

· Draw or paint a picture, write a letter or create something of your choice to be given to a resident of the aged care facility.

· Drop of your creation or letter to the Pre-School. There will be a basket out the front and we will take them to the facility.

We are extending our thoughts and care to those in the aged care facility that are not seeing their loved ones and letting them know we are thinking of them. This will surely impact their day and lighten their time in lockdown. We hope you at home can join us on this special project.

Thank you from all the Educators at Long Jetty Pre-School



We acknowledge the Traditional custodians and cultural knowledge  holders of this land, the Darkinjung People – both past and present.
We recognise that we are part of the world community as well as our local community.

And is our role to support children to become environmentally responsible and contribute to a sustainable future.
We strongly believe in the principles of Respect and Responsibility as representing the foundation of our early childhood practices.


Copyright © 2018 Long Jetty Preschool Incorporated

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