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Resources for Families During COVID-19


Today we have attached a link to a 'One Stop Information' hub , regarding parenting in times of COVID. Within this link you will find information on how to talk to children about COVID-19, talking to children about physical distancing, talking with children with disabilities about COVID and the importance of routines. The site has links to podcasts, videos, audio books and other websites. We feel this is a useful resource to have at your hands and may benefit you in someway. Hopefully you will find this useful. x


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We acknowledge the Traditional custodians and cultural knowledge  holders of this land, the Darkinjung People – both past and present.
We recognise that we are part of the world community as well as our local community.

And is our role to support children to become environmentally responsible and contribute to a sustainable future.
We strongly believe in the principles of Respect and Responsibility as representing the foundation of our early childhood practices.


Copyright © 2018 Long Jetty Preschool Incorporated

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